It's been 5 years of ASB with Activy! 




Accounting, tax consulting, human resources and payroll services provider

  • Branch
    accounting services
  • Offices
    Warsaw, Toruń, Wrocław


To promote a healthy lifestyle, motivate people to spend time outdoors, support a charitable cause.




months of play



14 947

km on wheels

7 272

km on feet


tons of CO2 saved

Challenge purpose

The main goal of the challenge, from the very beginning, has been to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage people to spend time outdoors. An important aspect is also to promote cycling around the city, especially commuting to work on two wheels.

The challenge at ASB lasted for 4 months - just the right amount of time to develop a healthy routine that gives movement a chance to become part of the daily schedule - permanently. The organizers believe that the initiative helps instill the "sports bug" in participants, so that physical activity becomes part of everyday life, even after the 4-month challenge ends

Before the start

Intense promotion of the challenge is no longer necessary - everyone remembers the action and looks forward to spring, with which the challenge is launched every year 😊 This shows how well the initiative has been received and how important its place is in the work life of employees.  

The most important information related to "ASB on Bike" appears on the internal portal and on monitors placed in the common areas of the office. Graphics are displayed there, showing the scoring, the official results of each edition, the conversion of kilometers for a charity goal, summaries, and, this year, a reminder about the possibility of counting points through walking and jogging. The challenge also has its own permanent section in the presentation during the onboarding of new employees, which proves that "ASB on Bike" has already become part of the company's culture!

Solution icon

During the challenge

The challenge was initially a cyclist-only action. Later, when the opportunity emerged, running and walking were also included. Employees liked the idea - more activity options translated into a significant increase in engagement. However, the name has not changed, as the initiative is strongly identified with the slogan "ASB on Bike."

 The sports challenge with Activy is not the only form of activity for employees that ASB organizes. The company participates in relay marathons, a volleyball league and tournaments. Undoubtedly, the advantage of "ASB on Bike" is the duration of the campaign. It is as long as 4 months, which is very attractive to the teams. An important aspect from the perspective of participants is the freedom of time - you can join at any time during the action. Also motivating is the division into monthly rounds, which increases the chances of winning a prize. 


An additional factor involving employees is always the charity goal. This year, support was given to Polish Humanitarian Action in connection with the war in Ukraine. In earlier years, assistance was given to the charges of the Rak'n'Roll Foundation, among others.  


Participants had the opportunity to start their own three-person team. In this year's edition twice as many were formed as before - group fun is growing. In 2022, participants were accompanied by two missions with interesting facts from Activy. The first led them around Poland, and the second around the world. It was an interesting addition. Next year, the organizers are planning more such missions, intensifying the fun even more, such as 20 km in two days or 100 km in a week.

"Movement is part of my life. I'm glad that my love for sports and commitment could prove motivating for other participants in the challenge at our company."


In "ASB on Bike," prizes are awarded for first, second and third place in each edition, ending at the end of the month. After each round, the competition starts again, but the prize can be won a maximum of two times, which increases the chance of diversity in the monthly classifications. The prizes are very attractive - the winners will receive equipment and accessories related to physical activity and healthy lifestyle. The basic idea is to make them useful - this year only, the prize pool included a wireless speaker, GoPro cameras, blenders for healthy drinks, a hiking tent, and a coffee maker, among others. 


It is worth mentioning a participant who stood out for her exceptional commitment and motivation. Aneta is the undisputed leader of this year's challenge. According to the rules, winning twice prevented the Reporting department manager from winning prizes in the following months. Nonetheless, Aneta continued her commitment and worked bravely for the company's overall score, turning in record-breaking distances each month. By her own admission, she was most motivated by the charity goal. The example of Aneta, who covered more than 3,000 kilometers by bicycle (mostly around the city) shows that physical activity can be part of everyday life. Despite her busy schedule, related to her job, family life and private responsibilities, Aneta always finds time for cycling, which is an irreplaceable form of relaxation for her. Such an attitude has a very motivating effect on other participants in the game.

The rivalry often lasted until the last hour, especially when there was little difference between the leaders' results in the rankings. This year's challenge was accompanied by a true athletic spirit of competition. Even people who were not involved in the challenge cheered on others. This had a very positive tone and an element of support. Of course, no one wanted to be at the end of the list 😉.

"ASB on Bike" does not bring fierce competition to the office, but participants are ambitious. What's important about it is the point system and the fact that regularity is taken into account in activities. It's motivating - participants try to do at least a short bike ride or go out for a short walk every day. 


All employees look forward to the summaries. Once it happened that it appeared a day later than before - questions were immediately asked, did something happen? 😊 Before the pandemic, the awards were given out in a ceremony in the company's conference room, and at the end of the challenge a joint photo was taken with the bikes under the office building. These commemorative sessions were eagerly attended by all competitors, regardless of which place they took. It was an official summation that was very popular. Nowadays, due to hybrid operation, all results, summaries and current information have been transferred to the company's ethernet, and awards are presented directly at the office, or sent by mail.


The bicycle in the case of many people has replaced public transport, or  their own cars. It is in many cases not only a time-saver, but also a great deal of satisfaction. Daily physical activity translates into a positive mood among employees. It's also gratifying to score more points in the challenge 😊 During lunch breaks at ASB, people often talk about "spinning kilometers", routes covered, sporting achievements. Employees motivate each other to be active together, experience the joy of successes, share emotions. All this has a very positive effect on the atmosphere in the office

Thanks for

Andrii Yakovenko i Aneta MarkowiczCoordinators of the challenge