The sports challenge aimed at joint sports competition and building healthy habits for the future. The team competition provided additional excitement and motivation!




Polish manufacturer of windscreens for the car and truck repair, work machinery, railway, marine and military industries. The company is part of Japan's AGC Group, one of the world's leading suppliers of glass and manufacturer of automotive windscreens

  • Industry
  • Number of employees
  • Office


To integrate and activate both office and manual workers. Joint sporting competition and building healthy habits for the future.




months of competition

47 320

km on wheels

13 783

km by feet

12 029


50 mln



This year we were hoping for around 100 people to be involved in the Challenge, and we have ideally achieved this number. Usually, the majority of people taking part are office workers, but we are promoting the Challenge intensively to employees who work physically. We are thinking of including a company communicator and an internal platform in the future so that we can involve even more employees. Even so, we are extremely pleased with this year's result.

Challenge purpose

The feeling during the first day of the challenge this year was one of great calmness and joy - quick introductions, ready-made materials from Activy, the express launch of the app, no questions, and amazing commitment evident on the part of the Guardian. We have observed a lack of technical questions due to the use of the app last year, in their place asks when it will finally launch!

We have a regular group that participates in sports activities - we were confident that these people would be active participants in the Challenge. This year, we saw fewer questions and no disputes. Ongoing support was felt from the Activy Technical Support Team and the Guardian, with great responsiveness and a great option to personalise communications to the Challenge. We observed that some people made a habit to the point of investing in equipment such as sports smartwatches.

The most exciting thing was the team competition
, the funny names of the teams (dispute over Polish soups - victory for Pomidorowa 🍅) and the great motivation around the selection of team members; mixed teams, great diversity - HR colleagues won 😄). You could hear a lot about the motivation of the teams. Interestingly, in 3rd place was a Team that only activated halfway through the challenge!

Before the start

The app was a great fit (especially with the step counting function) for our Direction to Health campaign that we launched. The Coordinator's Platform was a very useful tool for pulling up the most necessary information. Lots of improvements on Activy's side this year - relieving the burden on the Coordinator from a technical angle, and to ability to work comfortably with a focus on internal communication. A huge improvement in the company atmosphere around the challenge - less intense emotions due to such technical improvements and the development of the app, allowing full focus on active play.

A very positive feeling from last year whetted the appetite and gamification. Changes to the app's design have increased the social function of Activy. We often observed arranging cycling routes around Pomerania (around Koszalin) with a group of people from the company! Compared to the previous version of the app, it was less about the ranking score itself and more about sharing your activity photos and routes.


We were motivated by the experience of the previous year. It worked out great previously, and we knew, it will happen again. The staff from the warehouse and the factory motivated each other. It helped that most of the people from the Challenge worked in one plant in Koszalin. The employees know each other, and they could talk about the action and motivate each other.

Time of year for challenge - summer! A lot of people who ride bikes regularly take part in the rallies (the company finances participation, we have branded outfits). We always support employees who want to start, sign up, and need funding. At the beginning of September, we organised a 10-kilometre bike rally at the stud farm for families - it went off in a very positive and inclusive way! And everyone then turned on Activy to log their activity.

In addition, the Activy socks were extremely popular - we did not expect this craze! The socks were a reward for completing a mission that employees were highly motivated to achieve.

If one could characterise the Challenge in the form of 3 keywords they would be:

  1. Direction Health
  2. Promotion of an active lifestyle which is the realisation of the Company's objectives
  3. Active commuting to work
We finished the Challenge over the holiday period, which also coincided with the factory refurbishment. When we return, we will certainly celebrate the end of our Challenge! What we do know, however, is that the end was very exciting and the Participants made the most of the last active days.